23. 12. 2011


On Wednesday we were in Vienna. Main reason of our visit were two exhibitions - René Magritte and Fernando Botero. Magritte's exhibitions was in amazing Albertina, the most beautiful gallery we've ever seen. It wasn't possible to take photos there so I just downloaded photos of two paintings we liked the most. Fernando Botero wans't our cup of tea, but he has really distinctive style. After exhibitions we were shopping. Layla bought just some present and I... you will see. It was really great time!

Ve středu jsme byly ve Vídni. Jely jsme tam hlavně kvůli výstavám - René Magritta a Fernanda Botera. Magritte byl vystaven v kouzelné Albertině, nejkrásnější galerii jakou jsme kdy viděly. Nemohly jsme fotit, takže jsem jen stáhla obrázky dvou obrazů, které se nám nejvíce líbily. Botero nebyl našim šálkem kávy, ale má velmi osobitý styl. Po výstavách jsme šly nakupovat. Laura koupila pár dárku a já... uvidíte. Bylo to skvělé!

Nell's favourite painting

Layla's favourite painting


Christmas punch


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