Good evening.
I love these photos, mint sweather and earings. I just can't help myself. Today we took a lot of photos, because I'm leaving tomorrow to Slovakia. We are so happy that photos are so nice. We really didn't expected such a succes. I hope you will like it :) Bye bye!
Dobrý večer.
K zbláznění miluju tyhle fotky, mint svetýrek a náušnice. Prostě si nemůžu pomoct. Dnes jsme vyfotily mnoho fotek, protože zítra odjíždím na Slovensko ( tak ať se nám tady nenudíte :P ) Z fotek máme neskutečnou radost, moc se povedly. Doufám, že se vám budou líbit :) Zatím*
You are incredibly beautiful and you have especially wonderful legs! You should show them every day in nice skirts, tights and shoes! -S